3.2. Najznačajniji radovi Branka Horvata*



  1. Distribucija nafte, Zagreb, Ekonomski institut, 1956.
  2. Ekonomska teorija planske privrede (Towards a Theory of Planned Economy), Beograd, Kultura, 1961. Prvo englesko izdanje tiskao je Yugoslav Institute of Economic Research, Beograd, 1964; a drugo International Arts and Sciences Press, New York, 1975.Španjolsko izdanje: Teoria de la planificacion economica, Barcelona, Oikos Tau, 1970. Njemačko izdanje: Die Arbeiter Selbstverwaltung, Münchenm Nymphenburger Verlag, 1973.
  3. Ekonomski modeli, Zagreb, Ekonomski institut, 1962.
  4. Ekonomika jugoslavenske naftne privrede, Beograd, 1962.
  5. Međusektorska analiza, Zagreb, Narodne novine, 1962.
  6. Proizvodnja nafte, Beograd, Institut ekonomskih nauka, 1965.
  7. Prerada nafte, Beograd, Institut ekonomskih nauka, 1965.
  8. Ekonomska nauka i narodna privreda, Zagreb, Naprijed, 1968.
  9. Ogled o jugoslavenskom društvu, Zagreb, Mladost, 1969. Englesko izdanje: An Essay on Yugoslav Society, International Arts and Sciences Press, New York, 1969. Njemačko izdanje: Die Jugosawische Gesellchaft, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1972. Prevedeno na korejski, 1984.

10.  Privredni ciklusi u Jugoslaviji, Beograd, Institut ekonomskih nauka, 1969. Englesko izdanje: Business Cycles in Yugoslavia, International Arts and Sciences Press, New York, 1971.

11.  Integrirani sistem društvenog računovodstva za jugoslavensku privredu (sa suradnicima), Beograd, Institut ekonomskih nauka, 1969.

12.  Privredni sistem i ekonomska politika Jugoslavije, Beograd, 1970

13.  Ekonomska analiza, Ljuubljana, Oeconomica, prvo izdanje 1971., II. izdanje Beograd 1972, III. izdanje (dopunjeno) Skopje, Magor, 2000.

14.  Socialismo y economia en Yugoslavia, Buenos Aires, 1974.

15.  Self Governing Socialism: A Reader (u suradnji s R. Supek i M. Marković), New York, International Arts and Sciences Press, 1975.

16.  Ekonomska politika stabilizacije, Zagreb, Naprijed, 1976.

17.  The Yugoslav Economic System, New York, International Arts and Sciences Press, 1976 (1979,1983).

18.  The Political Economy of Socialism New York, Sharpe, Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1982. Hrvatsko izdanje: Politička ekonomija socijalizma, Zagreb, Globus, 1984.; tiskano i na kineskom, 2001.

19.  Jugoslavenska Privreda 1965-1983, Zagreb, Cankarjeva Založba, 1984.

20.  Društvena kriza u Jugoslaviji, Zagreb, Globus, 1985.

21.  Radna teorija cijena i drugi neriješeni problemi Marxove ekonomske teorije, Beograd, Rad, 1986.

22.  Kosovsko pitanje (The Kosovo Question), Zagreb, Globus, 1988 (2. prošireno izdanje 1989.)

23.  ABC jugoslavenskog socijalizma, Zagreb, Globus, 1989.

24.  Poduzetništvo i tržišna transformacija "društvenog" vlasništva, Zagreb, Institut za javne financije, 1990.

25.  The Theory of Value, Capital and Interest, Aldershot, Elgar, 1995. Prevedeno na makedonski, 1998.

26.  The Theory of International Trade, London, Macmillan, 1999.

27.  Kakvu državu imamo, a kakvu državu trebamo?, Zagreb, Prometej, 2002.

28.  Ogledi iz ekonomike privrednog planiranja, Beograd, Savezni sekretarijat za nauku i razvoj, 2001.

29.  Ekonomika brzog razvoja, Sarajevo, Forum Bosne, sv. I i II, 2002.


Poglavlja u knjigama, zbornicima, enciklopedijama i sličnim izdanjima (na stranim jezicima)

  1. "The conceptual Background of Sdocial Product", Income and Wealth, Series IX, London, Bowes & Bowes, 1961, pp. 234-52.
  2. "Planing in Yugoslavia", Development Plans and Programmes, Paris, OECD, 1964, pp. 149-66
  3. "Planning and the Market: The Yugoslav Experience", u S. H. Robovk and L. M. Solomon (eds.):, International Development, New York, Oceana Publications, 1966, pp. 71-82.
  4. "Der Markt als Instument der Planung", in K. Wessely (ed.), Probleme zentraler Wirtschaftsplanung, Wien, 1967, pp. 107-16.
  5. "Yugoslav System of Self-Management and the Import of Foreign Private Capital", u Joint Business Ventures of Yugoslav Enterprises and Foreign Firms, Beograd, IMPP, 1968, pp. 83-96.
  6. "The Gap between the Rich and the Poor Nations from the Socialist Viewpoint", in Ranis G. (ed.), The Gap between the Rich and the Poor Nations, London, Macmillan, 1972, pp. 96-112.
  7. "Planning in Yugoslavi", u M. Faber and D. Seers (eds.), The Crisis in Planning, vol. 2, London, Sussex University Press, 1972, pp. 193-206.
  8. "Arbeiterselbstverwaltung im Betrieb", u P. Hemicke (ed.), Probleme des Sozialismus und der Übergangsgesellshaften, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1973, pp. 243-56.
  9. "Autogestion et economie", u R. Supek (ed.) Etatisme et autogestion, Paris, Anthropos, 1973, pp. 177-210.

10.  "On the Political Economy of Socialism", u E. Pusić (ed.), Participation and Self Management, Vol. 6, Zagreb, Institute for Social Research, 1973, pp. 99-112.

11.  "Market versus Nonmarket Output and Implicit Grants in a Socialist Economy", u M. Pfaff (ed.), Grants and Exchange, Amsterdam, North Holland, 1976, pp. 118-23.

12.  "Plan de socialisation progressive du capital", in S. C. Kolm (ed.), Solutions socialistes, Paris, Ramsay, 1978, pp. 159-84.

13.  "Op weg haar arbeiderszelfbestur", u G. Hofstede (ed.), De toekomst van ons werk, Leiden, Stenfert-Kozrese, 1978, pp. 131-44.

14.  "Paths of Transition to Workers" Self-Management in the Developed Capitalist Countries", u T. Burns, L. E. Karlsson and V. Rus (eds.), Work and Power, London, SAGE, 1979, pp. 49-80.

15.  "Comparative Organization and Efficiency of Social Systems", u U. Gärtner and J. Kosta (eds.), Wirschaft und Gesellschaft, Berllin, Dunker & Humblot, 1979, pp. 31-58.

16.  "The Delegitimation of Old and the Legitimation of New Social Relations in Late Capitalist Countries", u B. Denitch (ed.), Legitimation of Regimes, London, SAGE, 1979, pp. 81-101.

17.  "La gestione dei lavoratori", u D. Cuszi and R. Stefanelli (eds), II sistema Jugoslavo, Bari, De Donate, 1980, pp. 28-46.

18.  "L'Économie politique du socialisme autogestionnaire", "Autogestion, efficacité et théorie neoclassique", "Critique de la théorie de la firme autogerée", u A. Dumas (ed.), L'Autogestion, un systéme économique?, Paris, Dunod, 1981, pp. 26-44, 229-36, 310-17.

19.  " Socialist planning - The Problem of Co-ordination and Autonomy", u U. Himmelstrand (ed.) Spontaneity and Planning in Social Development, London, SAGE, 1981, pp. 153-64.

20.  "Establishing Self-governing Socialism in a Less Developed Country", u Ch. Wilber and K. Jameson (eds), Socialism in a Less Developed Country", Oxford, Pergamon, 1982, pp. 951-64

21.  "Labour-managed Firms and Social Transformations", u E. H. Stephen (ed.), The Performance of Labor Managed Firms, London, Macmillan, 1982, pp. 249-64.

22.  "Wirtschaftssysteme: Jugoslawien", u Handwörterbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Bd 9, Stuttgart, Fischer, 1982, pp. 370-82.

23.  "Establishing Self-Governing Socialism in a Less Developed Country", u Ch. K. Wilber (ed.), The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, 3rd ed., New York, Random House, 1984, pp. 504-21.

24.  "La fijacion de precios de los factores da produccion", u J. Hocevar (ed.), Socialismo Autogestionario en Marcha, Mérida, Univesidad de los Andes, 1984, pp. 231-41.

25.  "Efficiencia de los gastos del sector publico", u El desarrollo financero de America Latina y el Caribe, Caracas, Instituto Interamericano de Mercados deCapital, 1985, pp. 341-54.

26.  "Marx's Contibution to Social Science and His Errors", u B. Chavance (ed.), Marx en perspective, Paris, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 1985, pp. 459-74.

27.  "Political Economy", Social Science Encyclopedia, London, Routledge & Kegan, London, 1985, pp. 611-12.

28.  "The Prospects for Disalienation of Work", u B. Gustavson, J. Karisson and C. Röftegard (eds), Work in 1980s, Aldesrhot, Gower, 1985, pp. 235-40.

29.  "Workers' Management and the Market", u J. Stiglitz and F. Matewson (eds), New Developments in the analysis of Market Structure, Cambridge, Mass., MIT University Press, 1986, pp. 297-310.

30.  "Labour-managed Economies", in The New Palgrave, London, Macmillan, 1987, pp. 79-84. Prenešeno i u: J. Eatwell, M Milgate and P. Newman (eds.), Problems of the Planned Economy, London, Macmillan, pp. 121-32, i kod G. Szell (ed.), Concise Encyclopaedia of Participation and Co-Management, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1992, pp. 469-79.

31.  "Contemporary Social Systems and the Trends in Systemic Reforms Worldwide", u S. Gomulka et al (eds), Economic Reforms in the Socialist World, Macmillan, London, 1989.

32.  "Social Ownership", u R. Rusell and V. Rus (eds.), International Handbook of Participation in Organizations, vol. II, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 165-69.

33.  "The Market Transformation of State Enterprises", u M. Knell and Ch. Rider (eds.), Appraisal of the Market Mechanism, Aldershot, Elgar, 1991, pp. 140-53.

34.  "La proprieté publique en Croatie", u R. Iveković (ed.), La Croatie depuis l'effondrement de la Yugoslavie, Paris, L'Harmettan, 1994, pp. 101-4.

35.  "Full Democracy-Socialism of the 21st Century", u B. Marković (ed.), Social Democracy in Europe Today, Belgrade, Institute of International Politics and Economics, 1996, pp. 71-6.

36.  "On the Theory of Labour-Managed Firms", u D. Prychitko and J. Vanek (eds.), Producer Cooperatives and Labour-Managed Systems, Aldershot, Elgar, 1996, pp. 55-72.

37.  "Privatization vs. De-estatization", u Ž. Bogetić (ed.), The Cost of War in Former Yugoslavia, Paris & Beograd, Peace and Crises Management Foundation, 1996, pp. 55-72.

38.  "Joint Production in a Two-Sector Model", u A. simonovits and A. Steenge (eds), Prices, Growth and Cycles, London, Macmillan, 1997, pp. 255-69.

39.  "The Results of the Backward Transition in the Republic of Croatia", u Enterprise in Transition: 2nd International Conference Proceedings, Split & Vienna, Faculty of Economics & DAAAM International, 1997, pp. 81-6.

40.  "Nationalistic Break-up of Multiethnic States", u R. Iveković and N. Pagon (eds), Otherhood and Nation, Ljubljana, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, 1998, pp. 213-28. 

Studije objavljene na hrvatskom jeziku (izbor oko 500 objavljenih radova)

  1. Ekonomska uslovljenost veličine cijevi plinovoda, Nafta  1, 1953, 16-21
  2. Razvoj i ekonomika cjevovodnog transporta nafte i plina, Nafta 1, 1955, 11-20. (Ova i prethodna studija su prvi radovi o cjevovodnom transportu kod nas. Do realizacije je došlo tek deceniju kasnije).
  3. Renta kao element teorije cijene planske privrede, Ekonomist, 4/1959, 398-414
  4. Neki problemi primjene međusektorske analize u privrednom planiranju, Ekonomist, 2/1961, 206-31
  5. Raspodjela prema radu među kolektivima, Naša stvarnost, 1/1962, 52-66
  6. Ekonomski smisao indeksa proizvodnje i cijena, Statistička revija, 1/1964, 7-14
  7. Samoupravljanje, centralizam i planiranje, Pregled, 5/1964, 413-44
  8. Individualno i društveno vlasništvo u socijalizmu, Gledišta 3/1967, 335-48
  9. Prilog diskusiji o teoriji partije, Naše teme 5/1967, 819-47

10.  Prilog zasnivanju teorije jugoslavenskog poduzeća, Ekonomska analiza 1-2, 1967, 7-28

11.  Privredni ciklusi, monetarni  faktori i cijene, Ekonomska analiza 1-2, 1968, 1-22

12.  Kapitalni koeficijent, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 3-4/69, 371-82

13.  Cijene proizvodnje u Jugoslaviji, Ekonomska analiza 1-2, 1970, 1-20

14.  Nacionalizam i nacija, Gledišta 6-7/1971, 770-89

15.  Klasifikacija područja svijeta prema karakteristikama privredne razvijenosti, Ekonomska analiza 3-4/1971, 279-94

16.  Radne cijene proizvodnje i transformacioni problem u socijalističkoj privredi, Ekonomist, 1/1973, 47-72

17.  Pledoaje za efikasniji univerzitet, Pogledi, 10/1973, 125-36

18.  Diferencijalno povećanje produktivnosti privrednih grupacija kao izvor inflacije, Ekonomski pregled, 5-6/1975, 301-10

19.  Jugoslavenska agrarna teorija i politika u poslijeratnom razdoblju, Pregled 7-8, 9/1976, 747-92, 973-1002

20.  Prilog teoriji klasne stratifikacije s analizom klasa u suvremenom kapitalizmu, Sociologija 3/1982, 25-43

21.  Dvadeset i sadam teza za reformu političkog sistema, Scientia jugoslavica, 3-4/1982, 285-290

22.  Marksizam, marksologija i vulgarni marksizam, Naše teme, 11/1983, 1763-87

23.  Opozicija i konsenzualna demokracija, Politička misao 3-4/1995, 64-71

24.  Balkanska unija bolja od europske, Banka, 4/1998, 49-54

25.  Prirodni i društveni zakoni, Ekonomski pregled 3-4/1999, 213-34

26.  Tranzicija i restauracija. Dvije alternativne strategije, Ekonomija 6/1999, 1-30

27.  Minimalni program izlaska iz krize, Ekonomski pregled 5-6/2002, 419-32

28.  Defekti tržišta, Ekonomija 4/2002, 689-96

Članci u inozemnim časopisima grupirani po područjima Ekonomska teorija

29.  "The Depreciation Multiplier and a Generalized Theory of Fixed Capital Costs", Manchester School, (1958), pp. 136-59

30.  "The Optimum Rate of Investment", Economic Journal, (1958), pp. 747-67

31.  "The Optimum Rate of Saving: A Note", Economic Journal, (1958), pp. 747-67

32.  "Drei Definitionen des Sozialprodukte", Konjunktur Politik, (1960), pp. 27-40

33.  "The Optimum Rate of Investment Reconsidered", Economic Journal, (1965), pp. 572-76. na mađarskom u Agazdasbgy növekedes feltekeki, Budapest, 1967, pp. 216-38

34.  "Prilog zasnivanju teorije jugoslavenskog poduzeća" (A Contribution of the Theory of Yugoslav Enterprise), Economic Analysis, (1967), pp. 7-28. Objavljeno i na češkom, Ekonomicky časopis, (1968), pp. 789-808

35.  "Note on Wages and Employment in a Labour Surplus Economy", Manchester School, (1968), pp. 63-8

36.  "Die produktive Arbeit in der socialistichen Gesellchaft", Osteuropa Wirtschaft, (1968), pp. 98-107

37.  "The Role of Accumulation in a Planned Economy", Kyklos, (1968), pp. 239-68. Objavljeno na slovačkom, K. Arrow, G. Bombarh et at., Investicie, rovnovaha, optimalny rast, Bratislava: Pravda, 1970, pp. 369-95

38.  "Certain Similarities between Inertian Systems in Physics and Steadily Growing Systems in Economics", Economic Analysis, (1973), pp. 47-58

39.  "Fixed Capital Costs, Depreciation Multiplier and the Rate of Interest", European Economic Reviewm (1973), pp. 163-80

40.  "Labour-Time Prices of Production and the Transformation Problem in a Socialist Economy", Kyklos, (1973), pp. 762-86

41.  "Real Fixed Capital Cost under Steady Growth", European Economic Review, (1973), pp. 85-103

42.  "Labour-Time Prices of Production under Accumulation", Economic Analysis, (1974), pp. 183-201

43.  "Socialismens politiska ekonomi", Frihetlig Socialistik Tidskrift, (1974), pp. 183-201

44.  "Fundamentals of a Theory of Distribution in Self-Governing Socialism", Eckonomic Analysis, (1976), pp. 24-42

45.  "Autogestion: efficacité et théorie neo-classiqué", Revue économique, (1979), pp. 361-9

46.  "Social Property", Economic Analysis, (1977), pp. 95-98. Na njemačkom u Wirtschaft und Gesselschaft, (1979), pp. 437-41

47.  "Farewell to Illyrian Firm", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1986), pp. 23-9

48.  "The Theory of Rent", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1986), pp. 109-18

49.  "The Theory of the Labour-Managed Firm Revisited", Journal of Comparative Economics, (1986), pp. 9-25

50.  "Sraffa Systematized and Marx Vindicated", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1987), pp. 289-98

51.  "The Pure Labour Theory of Prices and Interest", European Economic Review, (1989), pp. 1183-203

52.  "What is a Socialist Market Economy?", Acta Oeconomica, (1989), pp. 233-5

53.  "Prologomena for a New Theory of Value", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1990), pp. 1-17

54.  "A Note on J. E. Woods Determination of Rent", Oxford Economic Papers, (1992), pp. 502-6

55.  "Market Socialism: A Few Comments", Dissent, (1993), pp. 246-8

Rast, razvoj i planiranje

56.  "A Restatement of a Simple Planning Model with Some Examples from Yugoslav Economy", Sankhya, The Indian Journal of Statistics, series B, (1960), pp. 29-48

57.  "Methodological Problems in Long-term Economic Development Programming", Industrialization and Productivity, UN Bulletin, 5(1962), pp. 37-51. Objavljeno i u Eastern European Economics, (1964), pp. 20-30

58.  "Some Aspects of National Economic Planning", Les annales de l'économie collective, (1963), pp. 288-98

59.  "An Integrated System of Social Accounts for an Economy of the Yugoslav Type", Review of Income and Wealth, (1968), pp. 19-36

60.  "A Model of Maximal Economic Growth", Kyklos, (1972), pp. 215-28

61.  "The Relation between Rate of Growth and Level of Development", Journal of Development Studies, 3-4 (1974), pp. 382-94

62.  "Short-Run Instability and Long-Run Trends in the Yugoslav Economy's Development", Eastern European Economics, (1975), pp. 3-31


63.  "Workers' Management in Yugoslavia: A Comments (with V. Rašković), Journal of Political Economy, (1959), pp. 194-8

64.  "Autogestion, centralismo y planification", Arauco, (1965), pp. 47-54 i 59-65

65.  "An Institutional Model of a Self-Managed Socialist Economy", Eastern European Economics, (1972), pp. 369-92. Objavljeno i na španjolskom u CEPLAN: Estudios de planificacion, 22 (1972)

66.  "Appunti critici sulla teoria dell' impresa autogestita", Est-Ovest, (1974), pp. 39-46

67.  "Workers' Management", Economic Analysis, (1976), pp. 197-216

68.  "Paths of Transition to Workers' Management in Developed Capitalist Countries", Economic Analysis, (1977), pp. 214-36

69.  "Establishing Self-Governing Socialism in a Less Developed Country", Economic Analysis, 1-2 (1978), pp. 135-53. Preneseno i u World Development (1981), pp. 951-64

70.  "Principes d'une théorie de la repartition en socialisme autogeré, Les cahiers du seminaire Ch. Gide, Tome XIII (1979), pp. 60-85

71.  "Searching for a Strategy of Transition", Economic Analysis and Management, (1980), pp. 311-23

72.  "Observations on Actual Social-Economic Problems of Peru", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1982), pp. 559-68

73.  "El establicimiento del sociallsmo autogestionario en un paie desarollado", Revista iberoamericana de Autogestion y Actión communal, (1983-4), pp. 117-40

74.  "Industrial Partnership: Utopia or Necessity?", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1986), pp. 251-6

Ekonomska politika, ekonomski sistem i tranzicija

75.  "Development Fund as an Institution for Conducting Fiscal Policy", Economic Analysis, (1972), pp. 247-51

76.  "The Postwar Evolution of the Yugoslav Agricultural Organization: Interaction of Ideology, Practice and Results", Eastern European Economics, (1973-74), pp. 1-106. Objavljeno i na njemačkom u Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas, (1974), pp. 363-93

77.  "The World Economy from the Socialist Viewpoing", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1983), pp. 1-26. Prevedeno i objavljeno na engleski, francuski i španjolski u International Social Science Journal, 3 (1983)

78.  "The Economic System and Stabilization", Eastern European Economics, (1984), pp. 66-105. Na kineskom objavljeno u Jingjixue yicong, (1985), pp. 8-11

79.  "Efficiency of the Public Sector", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management (1985), pp. 195-204

80.  "Eine hausgemachte Krise", Ost-West Informationen, (1991), pp. 9-18

81.  "Nationalization, Privatization or Socialization; the Emergence of the Social Corporation", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1991), pp. 1-10

82.  "The Privatization or Something Else", Communist Economies and Economic Transformation, (1991), pp. 367-74

83.  "The Economic Integration of Eastern Europe", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1992), pp. 1-39

84.  "On the Transition of Post-Communist Economies to a Market Economy", Acta Oeconomica, (1992), pp. 290-94

85.  "The Vagaries of the Yugoslav Economy", Economic Analysis and Workers' Management, (1992), pp. 255-78. Tiskano i na španjolskom u Cuadernos del este, 5 (1992), pp. 9-26, na francuskom u Peuples méditerranéens, (1992), pp. 7-34

86.  "Requiem for the Yugoslav Economy", Dissent, (1993), pp. 333-9

87.  "Privatization vs. De-etatization", Emergo, (1996), pp. 119-23

88.  "Towards the Balkan Union", Ekonomski pregled, (1997), pp. 1013-27. Objavljeno na talijanskom i engleskom u Aque & Terre, (1998), pp. 20-3 i 57-9

Sociologija, političke znanosti i filozofija

89.  "Nationalism and Nationality", International Journal of Politics, (1972), pp. 14-46

90.  "Welfare of the Common Man in Various Countries", World Development, (1974), pp. 29-39

91.  "Alienation and Reification", Economic Analysis, 1-2 (1975), pp. 5-24

92.  "Ethical Foundations of Self-Government", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 1 (1980), pp. 1-20

93.  "Two Widespread Ideological Deviations in Contemporary Yugoslav Society", Eastern European Economics, 1 (1984), pp. 45-57

94.  "The Curse and the Blessings of Direct Democracy", Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta, Zagreb, (1987), pp. 537-46

95.  "The Socio-Economics of Workers' Managment" (s U. Himmelstrand), International Social Science Journal, (1987), pp. 353-64. Objavljeno i na francuskom u Révue international des sciences sociales, (1987), pp. 393-406

* U pripremi bibliografije značajno je pomogla supruga B. Horvata Ranka Peašinović, na čemu joj se urednik posebno zahvaljuje. Vidjeti: Branko Horvat: Dinamički-gospodarski razvoj, izd. Dom i svijet, Zagreb i Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2007. str. 35-45.

Svetozar Livada: Stradanja i nadanja